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Gerard  is a prolific technical author, a natural presenter, experienced in, and can offer expert witness services, to legal practices and provides independent product evaluation for a range of companies with products aligned to the building craft.


Dr Lynch is widely acknowledged as a first-rate speaker whose wide grasp of the English language and the ability to talk with eloquence – and as so often remarked on “…without irritating umms and errs!” – allows him to share his passion in an engaging manner that enthuses.

Gerard’s talent as a natural presenter has been utilised on a number of mainstream television programmes, including BBC, Wall to Wall, ITV, How London was Built , Discovery Home & Leisure, The House.

Offering a unique viewpoint of the the cultural & visual sides of historic masonry,  he has also worked in an advisory capacity for the behind the scenes work for a number of TV series to help recreate historically correct scenes, backdrops/visuals etc.

See Gerards Televised Works Here!


Gerard is experienced in, and can offer expert witness services, to legal practices  on dispute, impasse or loss in any field related to Historic, Decorative, Post-war Modern, brickwork, its craftsmanship – quality and ability.

Listed below are some of Gerard’s publications available that highlight the wide spectrum of topics his knowledge covers:

  • Gauged Brickwork A Technical Handbook, Gower Publishing , Aldershot, June 1990, revised in 2006

  • Technical article on gauged brickwork for Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings , 1989

  • Brickwork History, Technology and Practice, Volumes one and two, Donhead Publishing, London , June 1993

  • Structural Survey Magazine, History of English Brickwork parts 1 & 2, volume 11 no.4 1993, volume 12  no.1 1994

  • Brickwork: Failure and Decay – College of Estate Management 1997

  • Lime Mortars for Brickwork: Traditional Practice and Modern Misconceptions – Journal of Architectural Conservation,  part 1 March 1998, Part 2 July 1998.

  • Gauged Brickwork: Tracing the Netherlandish Influence,  ASCHB Transactions, Volume 23 1998


Gerard is on the board of the Building Limes Forum, and the National Heritage Training Group, where he collaborates with other industry experts to set strategy and Direction. Gerard designed the NVQ 3 Heritage Special Apprenticeship Programme  for CITB and is also an accredited NVQ 3 Assessor.

Gerard provides independent product evaluation for a range of companies with products aligned to the building craft, to ensure that they are field tested by him and competent craftspeople whose valuable feedback is encompassed in to the product design and marketing process, he adds real value, and has been involved in many successful product trials and assessments.


Dr Lynch is renowned for the quality of his writing of his reports, specifications etc. He is also regularly called on to write articles for various technical, historical and homeowner magazines.

Gerard is a prolific technical author for a number of publishers including Donhead and Elsevier, having produced numerous publications and peer reviewed papers and articles as well as consumer features in monthly periodicals in the UK and USA. He  is the author of Gauged Brickwork: a Technical Handbook, Brickwork: History, Technology and Practice (2 volumes) and ‘The History of Gauged Brickwork, Conservation, Repair and Modern Applications, and numerous peer-reviewed papers and articles across a wide range of subject areas. He is frequently asked to review and input into other Author’s work to bring his knowledge to a wider audience.

See Gerard's Publications Here!

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